by sbf | Feb 6, 2020 | Business Financing, Financial Advice
In January 2020, FICO rolled out new rules for calculating credit scores, a system called FICO Score 10, which could dramatically impact—for better or for worse—how your credit score is calculated. FICO claims that their new program suite will deliver increased...
by Balustrade Creative | Aug 30, 2019 | Financial Advice, Insights To Business
You may be a successful, profitable business owner. Your organization may have an excellent business credit score, pay your creditors on time, and have never had a financial issue with your company. Yet go for a business loan at a traditional bank and they factor in...
by Balustrade Creative | Aug 12, 2019 | Business Financing, Equipment Financing, Financial Advice, Insights To Business
If you own a small business or startup, it’s easy to use your personal credit card for some, maybe even all, of your business expenses. It’s convenient. You already have a credit card and it’s always on you. You may even feel it’s your only option in order to...