
Business Loan Solutions For Women

Business Loan Solutions For Women


Your business is growing and you need funding to support this growth.  Sounds great.

You’re not alone, the need of business loans for women is on the climb. This is mainly due to the number of women-owned businesses, which is increasing by the day.

These businesses are having a positive impact on our economy.  Just look at the data:

• In the past 20 years, women-owned business has increased over 114%
• 40% of businesses in the US are owned by women
• Over the past 10 years, total revenue for women owned businesses increased 46% compared to all businesses which increased 36%
• Women are starting over 1,800 new US businesses per day


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Two successful women in business due to Business loans for women


Yet despite the positive impact that women-owned business are having on the economy, women who apply for business loans are receiving 45 percent less money then their male counterparts. In fact, according to CNBC, this gap is increasing. This could potentially hurt the growth for many women-owned companies.

Here at Small Business Funding, we make it our mission to help you grow by providing honest, transparent, and consultative funding solutions tailored to the individual needs of your business. We understand the importance for your business to succeed. And we’re here to look out for your best interest.

Small Business Funding recognizes that women owned businesses are fast becoming the backbone of our economy. Internet-based, manufacturing, retail, hospitality, etc. These sectors and much more are drastically increasing the number of female owners and we are dedicated to support business loan options for you.

We put more emphasize on the health of your business as opposed to years in business and credit score. If you have a healthy, steady business – let’s discuss your funding options.

To see if you qualify for working capital, start by completing our business funding request form. From there one of our dedicated Funding Managers will contact you to review your options.

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