
5 Business Resources Every Small Business Owner Should be Aware Of

by | Jan 21, 2022 | Business Financing, Financial Advice, Insights To Business

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Owning a small business can sometimes be overwhelming. You work long hours only to feel like you are breaking even. The harder you work, the more you find that needs to be done. What many small business owners don’t realize is the abundance of resources they have available to them. These resources often go untapped simply because you, as the business owner, don’t have the time to look for them. They are there, however, and much easier to access than you may have thought possible.


The SBA and SCORE are valuable business resources that can offer assistance when it comes to funding and advice. The SBA, or Small Business Administration, has been around for years and offers much-needed funding for the small businesses that are eligible. SCORE, or Service Corps of Retired Executives, offers small business owners to successful professionals who have the ability to both invest in small enterprises as well as offer valuable insight and advice based on their many years of experience. Together they provide support on many different levels.

Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce in your town is one of the best business resources you will have. Most charge a fee to join. The fee is higher in some areas than others so many Chambers allow them to pay in installments. For business owners who don’t want to join, most Chambers hold events throughout the year that allow local business owners, members or not, to come together and network amongst themselves. They are able to share ideas and make connections they can use in the future.

Industry Trade Groups and Associations

Many small business owners tend to forget about industry trade groups and organizations. Being members of or affiliated with an industry trade group will keep you up-to-date when it comes to the latest trends and technological advancements. Belonging to a trade organization also puts you in contact with many other business owners who are in your exact field. There are many opportunities to gain information and even offer advice to others.

Other Business Owners

When you have a small business, your biggest supporters are oftentimes, other small businesses both inside and outside of your community. By sharing new ideas or working together to sponsor local events, it’s easier when a group of local merchants comes together than trying to accomplish this type of task on their own. Businesses will often share their business cards with one another so they can broaden their reach into other marketing areas without having to spend a lot of extra money. Word of mouth is sometimes the best form of advertising and it’s free!

Local Community Colleges

For small business owners who need a little help with certain tasks, the best workers can often be found at the local community college. Offer an internship to a senior student. They get to earn a small wage as well as gain valuable experience. If the internship is part of their school’s degree program, they will also receive course credit for the time they spend on the job. Many of these students bring fresh ideas that you can use to streamline your business practices.

These business resources are invaluable if you are looking for ways to strengthen your business. At Small Business Funding, we offer the financial resources that small business owners need to keep them moving forward. By having access to the working capital they need, business owners are able to make it through difficult periods and continue to grow. Schedule a consultation today. You can be approved in less than 48 hours and have the working capital you need in just a few days!